Can someone please tell me what is WRONG with me?

Does this FEEL familiar to you? It’s the common theme I hear. I’ve been there and know how it feels. The symptoms are all very similar to us– fatigue, moodiness, irritability, weight control problems, brittle hair, and cold intolerance to name just a few. It’s a combination that can impact your health, work life, relationships, marriage, you name it…basically ruin your life. Some may not even realize they are sick yet. Others know exactly what is wrong, but are not sure how to fix it. There are some people who suspect they have a chronic disease, only to have the medical profession conclude, “Nothing is wrong”.

Often…I believe they ARE wrong.

So what is the root cause of many of our problems and symptoms? INFLAMMATION – THE SILENT KILLER. We all have inflammation present in our body, its normal. When we are sick with a cold or flu virus, cut our finger, sunburn our skin, or twist an ankle, our friend “inflammation” shows up to help with the healing. This inflammation is known as acute inflammation. This is the helpful and healthy inflammation that comes to our rescue when it’s needed and subsides when we’re healed. Inflammation is the product of the immune system.

The real problem starts when inflammation becomes Chronic. Chronic inflammation is when your body no longer has the ability to turn off the inflammatory response, and starts attacking healthy tissue. Think of it like building a small fire to stay warm. However, rather than the fire being put out, it turns into a raging inferno that destroys hundreds of acres of forest. Most of the time chronic inflammation is found when it’s too late and we’re diagnosed with a disease such as Hashimoto’s (Hyopthyroid), Cancer, Diabetes, Depression, MS, Crohn’s, Heart Disease, IBS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and the list goes on. There are many other diseases linked to inflammation, as well as 100+ known autoimmune disorders. Blood tests that can detect chronic inflammation, a common marker is having high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP).

So what can you do NOW? Start making the right choices. Every day helps. It requires a lifestyle change of consistent daily habits. This is not a “good for 2 days” and “bad for 2 days” approach. Every choice we make can be healthy choices (anti-inflammatory) or life threatening choices (pro-inflammatory).

• Excessive work with little sleep
• Processed foods (high carbs/low fat)
• Daily alcohol
• High anxiety
• Excess weight
• Excessive exercise
• Household Pollutants and toxins
• Mold
• Lack of vitamin D (sunlight)

• Taking supplements such as fish oil
• Getting enough sleep (8 hours/night)
• Avoiding gluten
• Avoiding sugar
• Finding your inflammatory trigger (food sensitivities)
• Exercising regularly
• Choosing whole foods
• Relaxing your mind
• Essential fatty acids (good oils and fats)
• Appropriate sun exposure

Making pro-inflammatory choices on a regular basis can be life-threatening and lead to chronic inflammation. At the very least, you may ignite a world of symptoms that can make your life a living hell. Sorry, it’s just the way it is. The good news is that making anti-inflammatory choices can absolutely lead to a healthy, happy, and vibrant lifestyle with no symptoms. Which will you choose?